International Promotional Materials Report Videos Welcome to Richardson Welcome to Richardson (Full Version) Welcome to Richardson | Japanese Welcome to Richardson (Full Version) | Japanese Welcome to Richardson | Chinese Welcome to Richardson (Full Version) | Chinese Pengzhou-Richardson Friendly City Signing Ceremony Richardson / Telecom Corridor vidéo (version française) Richardson Texas O Corredor de Telecom Portuguese Richardson -Telecom Corridor Industry Overview Richardson and the Business Community Transportation Options Economic Strength Educated, Experienced Workforce Video Excellence in Education Podcasts KRLD CEO Spotlight Interview Presentations Telecom Corridor Area of Innovation - presentation for overseas prospects French - La conjoncture economique a Texas-Arguments en faveur de Richardson - Pourquoi Texas est un grand état de localiser votre entreprise German - Das wirtschaftliche Klima in Texas am Beispiel von Richardson - Warum Texas ist ein großer Staat, um Ihr Unternehmen zu finden Portuguese - O clima economico do Texas O caso de Richardson - Por Texas é um grande estado para localizar o seu negócio Chinese Japanese Brochures Texas/Richardson Infographics - doing business in Texas and Richardson Benefits of Texas and Richardson: Fast Facts - flier about relocating to Texas and Richardson International Business Brochure - tri-fold brochure for international prospects Semiconductor Industry Cluster Brochure - Describes semiconductor companies in Richardson Telecom-Wireless Industry Cluster Brochure - Brochure about the Telecom and Wireless industry presence in Richardson Clean Tech Industry Cluster Brochure - brochure about clean technology businesses in Richardson Cloud Computing Industry Cluster Slick - describes cloud computing companies and data centers in Richardson Computer Gaming Industry Cluster - describes computer gaming companies in Richardson Higher Education Brochure - brochure about higher education institutions servicing Richardson International Business Concierge Program and Export Services - The Richardson Economic Development Department offers a unique concierge program and expert resources for international companies or start-ups Japanese French - Programme de Conciergerie pour Entreprises Internationales - Le partenariat de développement économique Richardson propose un programme de conciergerie unique de ressources d'experts pour les entreprises internationales ou start-up German - Das internationale Business-Hilfsprogramm - der Richardson Economic Development Partnership bietet eine einzigartige Concierge-Programm Expertenressourcen für internationale oder Start-up-Unternehmen Portuguese - Programa International Business Concierge - A Parceria de Desenvolvimento Econômico Richardson oferece um programa exclusivo de concierge de recursos especializados para empresas internacionais ou start-up Chinese French - Secteur d'industrie Communications - Une pièce mettant en évidence l'industrie des communications à Richardson Export Resources For a series of videos and other reference information on foreign trade and the following exporting topics, click here. Export Compliance and Regulations Reporting Electronic Export Information (EEI) Using Trade Data for Export Planning and Strategy Trade Agreements Mandatory Automatic Export System (AES) U.S. Department of Commerce Commercial Service Exporter Resources. Training and Education Dallas College - Richland Campus - International Business and TradeUTD - Global Development Initiative (GDI)