Incentives Report Richardson's incentives are offered on a case-by-case basis. In some cases for a large capital intensive project, county and school district incentives could also apply.Please feel free to contact us directly at or 972-744-4333 to discuss any of the items below. Local Incentives Express Permitting ProgramFee WaiversFreeport ExemptionsGeneral Incentive ApplicationInfrastructure Participation No Impact FeesResearch Award Match Program (RAMP) - New Pilot ProgramTax Abatement Tax Increment Financing Zones State Incentives The State of Texas offers several incentive programs to assist new and existing businesses. Incentives are administered through the governor’s Economic Development office or the Texas Workforce Commission. For companies considering a location here, the REDD will assist with - and leverage - the best state incentive options available. Here are incentives offered by the State of Texas: Texas Enterprise Fund (Deal closing fund - major projects relocating to Texas) Skills Development Fund (Job training funds)