Overseas economic development trip planned to Spain and France
January 31, 2013
Michael Skelton, director of the mayor’s office of international business, will be attending the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain February 25-28, 2013, followed by a visit to the Provence and Cote d’Azure regions of France (French Telecom Valley) March 1-9, 2013. The goal of the trip is to promote Richardson’s telecom and wireless industries and recruit technology companies to Richardson.
In 2012, Skelton made a similar two-week economic development trip to Scandinavia. The trip involved meetings in select technology-focused regions of Denmark, Sweden and Finland with local economic development organizations, universities, business incubators and accelerators, venture capitalists and technology companies considering expansion to the U.S. market. Skelton encouraged organizations to educate and influence their local technology companies on the cost effective and logistical benefits of locating their business in the Telecom Corridor® versus California’s Silicon Valley or Boston’s Route 128 technology area. The trip resulted in the development of working relationships with organizations that will foster future economic activities in Richardson.
Richardson companies looking to expand their business internationally in Barcelona, Provence or Cote d’Azure should contact Skelton. He can provide company-to-company introductions, referrals, identify distribution or supply chain partners, etc.
Michael Skelton, Director
Mayor’s Office of International Business
Richardson Economic Development Partnership